From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Insert photo by me

  There is a concept in political ideology called irredentism.  This is stemming from 19th century Italian politics.  It's the notion that once claimed a territory is forever owned (irrespective of occupation), or, claiming/reclaiming land that a political or popular movement considers lost or unredeemed territory from their nation's past.

  We are thinking about this along with considerations regarding minorities and majorities in political contest.  As wars and migrations jostle peoples who are ethnic and cultural and religious and political around in place and time, concepts in action are thought of as "behavior".  There are personal and group behaviors.  Many group behaviors get "codified" by law and practice.  Sometimes group behavior is spontaneous, but very often it is influenced.

  Political pressure can be an influencing behavior to behavior.

  Thinking broadly can help us better understand self.  For instance, I've been very aware of an increasing sentiment to fight for our country.  That has me thinking about Patriotism and Nation!  And it also has me thinking about human nature.  Somewhere in the mix we need to understand better what parts of "racism" are group behavior and what parts, choice; to each his own.  What part/s of teaming up are choice, and what forced?  What about claiming?  We can claim possessions, things, and we can claim a national spirit.  And doesn't a personal awareness of my own claiming/abandonment/ignorance effect how I'm understanding everybody else?

  Wondering about all this has me more critically thinking about sentiment and events.  So I'm better able to mentally process people's moods and behaviors; not take things personally; use those tools for studying culture.

  To me it is making sense that in a political election year the-world-over there is much contention over "territory" and that a human being feels the stresses of the topic of "power".  It makes sense that any change/s to a person's grounded in powerful would cause reaction, maybe even a lot of reaction.  Way back in Western Civilization reaction was not allowed.  Nowadays in Western Civilization reaction varies from apparent apathy to violence.

  Rainy day today.  This thinking-stuff is why I so enjoy labor/work.  Chop wood, carry water.

  Rain, time, layers of reading.  This has brought me to the juncture of a central question...historical research...

  War as decisive

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