From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Snow flew

   In colder climes people say, sometimes bark, Get that done before the snow flies.  And while the ground is not totally frozen.

  It snowed last night about a quarter of an inch where I'm camped.  The rhododendron leaves were spry in the sunshine yesterday but droopy this morning.  A quieting sky still thick with bottom-shadow grays trails across blue sky.  It's before the "dead of winter" so the people I've been talking to are still working through carekeep details and necessarily adaptive plans.

  Simblings are being twined and pines bundled.  Spreading holiday cheer is right up among priorities now.

  At the Robbinsville library I happened into hearing from Hubert Merchant all about the Friends of the Library puzzle mission.  He and his buddies assemble puzzles and have them framed as artwork.  They're very thoughtful about which puzzles might could go where in town.  A Mickey Mouse assemblage fits perfectly in the children's library.  A pop art iconic-type puzzle may fit great in a new establishment nearby.

  The thrift shops are bedazzled with Christmas.  And the dollar stores have a mix of seasonal items and gifts.  Most of the gas station/convenience stores still have basic fishing gear.  And most every outlet open to the public is sporting brochures and local business cards.

  Angels and snowflakes blink high above road slush and mud.  And work is still being done way up on the mountain highway between Stecoah and Robbinsville.  The portable stop signs and piloting of traffic-thru is heightening our safety awareness.

  Currently the hours at Lovin Equipment & Sales, Inc.'s FARM AND GARDEN CENTER are:

  Mon-Fri 8:00-5:30

  Saturdays 8:00-1:00

  Closed on Sundays

  They've got a sundry of practical gear for communications, hunting, animal tending, work clothes, gardening aids, project wire, adhesives, fasteners, tarps, landscape tools, animal control remedy suggestions, canning equipment, pool care accessories, trash maintenance, grilling and grassing, birding, and some specialty tools for barning and farming.

Tel. 828-479-4177

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