From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Monday, August 26, 2024

Competitive v cooperative

  A lot of business really says both.

  It's the both in both that sees through economic stagnation and political nowhereville.  It's the business part of the equation that makes free market enterprise different than you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours "governance".  It was innovative and big change when larger retail and the food industry not only said the word wellness but opened the paths to such a state to all workers.  It took a sort of activism.  Some call that working from within.  There were executives who'd never really taught before but rose to the challenges of talking about business model; explaining how happier teammates made customers happier; how caring figures into profitability.  And there were exhausted workers who'd somehow hung on without "sea change".

  Like an oasis, people would report of having checked out other options and come back.  Even having dodged bullet, storms, and toxicity to work in other places, same outfit,  people would talk with deep appreciation of the new realism.  Some bosses knew, trend-setting doesn't always happen overnight.  And, in fact, stocks and trending-nows are more seismograph of the long haul than insta-hooplah about "new".

  The changes to function and investment weren't always mind-blowing.  And the language around entity and staff was usually more flexible and fresh than old employee handbooks.  It was good timing for business and culture learning to use the more digital tools, produce works to facilitate getting to a common ground...even though companies are a flavorful bunch of individuals working on shared goal.

  A political impasse, a beefing up of business solution.  It didn't require a ton of youth to be draughted in, there were plenty of middle agers who'd economically remained "children" and that was the real sticking point at hiring time and in retention.  Very few needed more schooling to achieve at least economic step above cart people and cray crays.  Not that America was a class system or caste system, but there became opportunity to mind the lines, put foot down about decency.

  In some places the visible grown ups were not going to let the lurking evil win.  People worked and people worked at....

  Better that than drugs, was a scathing response to the critical of anyone not just submitting to hoarde boss and modern master.  The old dictatoring had turned into the major ideologies locking people into this OR that.  Me OR them.

  Fooding was a last bastion of okay to be me?!  I don't enjoy onions.  I will eat them though if they're already in there.


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