From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Excellent reporting

 on this week's On the Media.  A look back on the 2000 election storm.

  Wow!  In some respects 2000 feels like yesterday, 2001 feels like yesterday and five hundred years ago.  23 years.  Two decades and three years.  365 x 10 + 365 x 10 + 365 x 3 = the number of days.

  Our elections, presidential, come every four years.  Four years like a turn in high school.  Time has different feelings to me, usually depending on "productivity" and "challenge".

blink of an eye

spinning my wheels

hitting head against wall

moving forward


Stop or I'll say stop again.

  It's often with profound and great relief that young people hear from other age groups on cause and mission.  And certainly human-to-human sharing of experience has benefitted cavemen to contemporaries.  Even when we are losing a battle, it's essential to remember longer-term life, different focus at different times.  That was part of why people named an academic degree: interdisciplinary arts.  Allowing for different focus at different times; different tools for occasions.  Dîfferent combinations of scholarship and field practice for activism, disengaging, just living...any and all professions.  Part of it was answer to that old frustration of round hole, square peg.

  Some things change, and some stay the same seems to be an anchor and overarching theme in life and American politics.

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