From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Saturday, May 4, 2024

   Jordanian pilots on fire 

                   In a cage.

               Airliners disappearing.

St. Vincent in Paris, Paul 

in Mars Hill,

still we wait

already told [truth in prophecy revealed]

  Kentucky Derby days are always long.  A whole lot of juleping to get to momentary race and prize.  Same way some envision WW3.  Really.

  One interesting aspect of St. Paul in Mars Hill is that he goes into their thinking, speaks to the people in their terms.  Maybe it's intuition or the Holy Spirit, but St. Paul seems to know there would be revisiting and revisiting of same arguments between humanity.  I think this has to do with replacing and/or substituting God in equasions of trust.

  Literary-wise Updike's ottoman was the perfect non-news event.



  In other years the fams collided.  Relatively same issues.  Cease-fire calls "on the table"; economies had been ground to dulldroms pandemic and hot spots; monies on the loose in a baby's down moment.  After the bombs had poisoned the Hiroshima and Nagasaki people, and the treacherous fighting continued in the Pacific on a media-back-burner, drinks on the patio would be served once the baby was down.  The world aids/fams were frontline in and outs to "containment" that could be mustered by the misfits.  Michener describes the sort of metamorphisis that happens in place and people as war supplies and mode change around despite same-old pagentry or 'bidentry'.

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