From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The churn

   Smooth lake broken by outboard motor.

  Work is closed for a couple days of maintenance.  Smart move in my opinion (imo).  When summer camps are being opened up, somebody has to switch things up in between seasons.  Long-runs require economically conservative ways of refreshing.  Sprucing up shows we care!

  It's the feel of the outboard motor churn on the lake right now.  Like when teachers who took jobs in Alaska needed to ship up their yearly belongings....once a year.  I can hear an older lake lady cautioning, yah bettah not be takin' that dingy for joy rides.  Know your purpose.  I'm always taken aback by older people seeming hip until I brain, conventional wisdom.  What's hip and trendy is survival through the churn.  No matter who wins the elections we're in one of those twin-year things.  Means, overall, not a lot of drastic economic change for America's blocs like moderates, living in poverty.

  In the churn, the outboard motor temporarily breaking up otherwise seemingly perfect stillness, people are wrestling with that action, naming that action, that happens like a thunderstorm cloud doing its thing.  All these aspects of cloud, factors of weather, particles in a globular.  Even as lightning cracks and air is sucked up, weighing down the rainwater to the points of saturation and


Starvation is not an overt practice in this.

Socially looking out for each other.


  Thought processes have some churn as we transition into summer mode, for scholars.

  Did yah know that pushing the motor too hard has it flooding?!

Customized distribution

Only replacing what is sold, so



  Tradespeople explain the components of these human machines.  Blade and hawk.  I seen those blades in a breakfast kitchen.


A funnier boss one morning said, That's NOT eggs!  Who left the spackle on the grill cleaner thingie???!

  We were here in the 1990's too.  Don't worry?

  I recall many people moving from cities to suburbs had pollution poison and toxic shock to the systems, human body systems, so tradespeople shared knowledge about staying safe on the jobsite.  Dust masks, water on a sponge instead of!  Formulas started with primitive art paints like milk paint!  Tea-staining.  All different kinds of people were talking to each other to find out x, y, z and to:

On a mission to be better better.

Authentic, our agers brainstormed about words that describe us.

And don't firget 'bout Dad's day!  Coming right up.

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So there we were wrestling....

  Wet tee shirts and mud.  Utter emotional chaos.  In the working world there was resistance to change, resistance to youths and ex-cons get...