From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Monday, May 13, 2024

What's on trial?

   "But American resolve soon wilted"....

  Be it resolved ?  The internet needed a Constitution or an Accord...

  "Saving Bosnian lives was not deemed worth risking U.S. soldiers or challenging America's European allies who wanted to remain neutral"....

Why the word "risk"?

What's risky about this?  Break it down teleologically.

Why?  A fifth column journalism question that helps define _________.

"Clinton and his team shifted from the language of genocide to that of 'tragedy' and 'civil war,' downplaying public expectations that there was anything the United States could do"....

Break it down militarily.

  Language as form.  Language as place.

  Projectiles are not "just language".

  Immediately part of the problem with non-Parliamentary party politics had to do with rank and file, subordination and wit.

  Tarring and feathering was more of a popular version of military command.  So few were "hung for treason" because the Constitution gave equal weight.  In 1848 differing "republicans" were running around claiming territory.  In Russia there was "revolution".  The world's ruckous fighting was over flag and favoritism.  Degrees of violence were still more like Shakespeare's sarcasm.

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So there we were wrestling....

  Wet tee shirts and mud.  Utter emotional chaos.  In the working world there was resistance to change, resistance to youths and ex-cons get...