From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

So say

  Say a person has an accident and messes up their spine.  The way to have best chance recovery/life going forward is to re-align the spine to its original functioning position.  Politics in a Republic is not the spine.  The Republic is the spine.

  This matters even more at times when the whole world is configuring as economic markets/entities and institution (for lack of a better word).

  As if the planet is shifting its center of gravity or on its axis, the will of the people and the powers of organization sometimes require us to prioritize what's most important, right now.  In a rumbly world it is most important right now to define nation as nation.  That's a baseline.  The particular politics within the different kinds of nations are the most contentious rumbly.

  A lot of Americans are afraid that we will lose our political rights in voting for the Republican party to manage our Republic, but in terms of world politics, it is most critical right now to BE a Republic.  The world stage is forming into a more staunch version of different kinds of nation, each with economic and social structures of their own.  We have to be strong as America on that stage!

  Oh yeah.  There is some difference for us on some stuff between political rights and Constitutional rights!  That's especially important as we realign our social boundaries to stuff like property law.  Our law-scape is layers of local, State, and National.  And just existing in physical space/place makes us subject to all the laws/rules of that place!  That's why sometimes we each choose to keep our opinions and expressions to ourselves.  "Talk" is not a legal move.

  Reading?  Today I am re-reading Rand Paul's The Case Against Socialism.

  An example of important independent within syndicate reporting, the kind Jason Stanley talks about as redemptive, is in Senator Paul's [not sure if he's still a senator at this time, but was] economic collapse happened in Venezuela and an immediate issue for everyone was food scarcity!  The newspaper USA Today ran a report of a reporter talking with an out-of-work construction worker who was standing in line with 300 other people at a grocery store.  Not only was it testament to not a normal day, but it was also letting other places know what was happening there.  When our social boundaries contract, it's even more important for us to keep in touch about our home turfs.

  In our country I was once in a grocery store line of people (2008 or 9 I think) of +1100 people wanting to work in that grocery store.  It had closed because of black mold in the building but then after a couple years was able to re-lease that property.
  I've noticed around Knoxville many stores are getting in good shape for people to buy what we need on budgets that have really reduced doing a lot of shopping.

  Even our local thrift shops are looking cool for reward and holiday gifts.

  Overall, it's going to be a hard climb back to prosperity.

  Our "popular" agrees about some stuff.  But in addition to guarding the Republic, self-care, and working on everything we have to be careful not to get knocked off balance by too far left, or, too far right.  That was the reason people came up with the word "extreme" and why us North Carolina and Tennessee people really got into a hot pepper contest.  And why we call some sports extreme and others not so much.  Some activities are sports category, but some activities are too "ultra" or "extreme" to fit neatly into the "sports" category.  At least that's what we were talking about thirty, forty years ago.


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