From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Saturday, November 16, 2024

30 years ago

  People had to stop blaming overall shitty situation on each other, so the States could work independently and together.  Fear breeds fear and that ruins business and keeps abusers able to dominate as we're all overworking and are basically trapped financially.

  It was back then, for example, a woman named Lisa explained that sex trafficking is not fake news.  And we outed abuse of surveillance in hunting people.

  Got through it!  Stay positive.

  We were young but there were children younger, so we got sucked into the make it a good day vibe.  Problem was we needed the help of real journalists!  And when we reached some M-F 9-5, they were like

  Well, journalism is fact-based, they needed evidence or at least "a strong lead" to even go out on a beat which people had stopped doing pretty much.  We finally caught back up with mentors and trusted older-than-us's.  We hadn't meant to run but what happened was, well, it had to do with racism and data thievery.  Some people we had met camping were in various states of service in foreign military stuff.  And the American political stuff kicked up old hatreds plus a fighting of their wars here.  So it was kind of scary.  And we thought we were imagining it, but realized people were hunting people.  Not American law enforcement.  They assured a bunch of us, they don't "hunt" people.  Not even when they are after bad people.  Different communities worked together to help the law enforcement get back to normal.

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