From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Pee and go

   Once I81 dumps you out of TN there's no mappage showing how to get to NC.  And if you're coming from fast food job, you get reprimanded for going into the women's bathroom not looking something enough, I guess.

  Everything is nice and quiet.  But the field of broke down tractors and lawnmowers kind of tells where we're at.  A gas station couple is quietly closing down a Sunday workday.  Kindly give directions.  More bananas from a grocery and the reassurance that there are still mountains to go before the flatland.  It's a thirty year de ja vous with the good people of America just doing the same USA we've been doing since I was a kid.

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