From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Back up in Knoxville

  I'm sure I look as thrilled, not as Trump getting back to the roost of the White House.

  A homeless lady tells me she's pretty good about pooing in a container that can go in the trash.  But most of the homeless here pee and poo wherever, and throw the needles wherever.  It's that part of the cycle where people with no money are endangering the whole of us, so keep your pets safe!

  I was lucky to find some affordable hand sanitzer at one of the gas stations.  And where I camped was clean and gated.  Did get bit by a tick.  Felt like a bee sting.  And got red rashy the next day.  Changes to environment like the flooding moves lots of stuff around, and "pests" and petu-lence beefs up its own take back a place.  Some places couldn't recover ground gains after Covid.  So that's another reason to promote landscaping.  It'll be a busy spring.

  Cha, u can imagine our tee-shirts, something like 379whatever, we pee and poo everywhere


  I did hear that; some of the US sanctuary cities have community action groups with info about options depending on which direction you are taking your life.  Of course as the nation phases total law and order back in, the police on the whole do not want for violence either.  So one foot in front of the other....

  Guy at the pop up Trump store said something interesting when I was buying an AMERICANS FOR TRUMP bumpersticker.  Said people are afraid.  A lot of people may be.  And it takes really repairing trust to get each other through that.  So here we go again like 30 years ago.

  Plus we're tighter than tight wallet in a transition like this out of necessity.

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