From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Saturday, November 2, 2024

   It's like when "everybody" started wearing jeans.  We never really got back to "fashion" after that.  Big divides.

  The campaigning brings ideological politics front and center but for the majority of people most things are just routine.  Most people can't ride a ticket to get out of poverty.  A lot of people don't get to wear a suit and tie.  In everyday situation we don't yell RIGHTS, I WANT MY RIGHTS.  Or, Garbage, y'all are garbage and I'm gonna....

  We have a couple people as presidential candidates and we see them everywhere.  And the idea is to pick a side and go in that direction.  There's no "magic pill" that is going to turn the world into all one thing at this point.  Not even war.

  We do have big divide(s) and a lot of it is really about how we approach the same issues.  Finances do dictate most decision-making.  And each political party does offer particular forms of support for ideas and activities.  Some of it is moral support -- you can do it!  And here's why....

  The more self-reliant, street and trickle down, are actually greatly influenced by overall political tone because of that tone's coloring of environment, but environment--not in disaster mode--isn't a dictator in America.

  The current stagnation seems more like a paltry footbridge over chaos and non-participation or apathy about being a citizen.  But not about being American since we, in many ways, let that be even more lax than just wear jeans.  It became an illusory anything goes.  Of course, that sort of lack of commitment, absence of discipline, waffling about ideologically has put a strain on leftover system (much of which stemmed from programs and have long been past their "shelf dates"), and with an optimistic naw we didn't give up, really, at least not totally, we put the rug of politics over the gigantic imperfection of big divide.

  It's kind of important to have some kind of structure to nation.  The rug is not gonna do it.

  Headlines this past week give us rockets, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and drones stalking and killing people in the streets.  And American elections.

  The question that everyone is asking of leader and people really seems to be

  Is America mightily different?

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