From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Sunday, November 10, 2024

It's not "fake"

  I think we all go through that feeling, sometimes alone and sometimes together.

  Of course it's compounded by our abilities to produce, create, fabricate.

  I think it's also why people find something like the Ten Commandments a worthy thing, standard, for self and country.

  You've probably had that feeling in church or at a family meal-- where something feels fake, like the formal aspect of situation isn't revealing of the whole truth...maybe a messy house until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, or everybody got drunk on Friday night.  Part of the astounding innovation that Jesus brought to the structure of religion and way of life is forgiveness.

  Believe me, there have been times people called me stupid 'cuz I did something stupid.  If the shoe fits, somebody else tough didn't cave on holding people to the standard.  Okay, okay, that was stupid.

  In America we're allowed to do stupid?

  Life is NOT some neatly FORMAL thing¡!

  You can hear our struggle in our Rock and Roll and in the spaces between the curtains of "the stage".  And that's not fake either...the external to self world is like a stage.  Even if there's no other people around when we consider ourselves under God or as people in relation to "a higher power".

  It's always been part of the fight in taking an anti-war stance.  Warring appears to change the standard(s).  And when more and more people get on that bandwagon the standard stands less of a chance to exist.

  America is often the voice that says no.  We're not doing that.

  But there have also been times when we're all over the place in terms of upholding our standards.  Then we have to get to the church of the Constitution and look to each other to get out of the mudhole.

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