From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Monday, January 27, 2025

It was an exercise craze all right

  You know you just kind of go through the workdays until HR leaks, changes, big changes.

  Then half the people pretend not to have heard that and others play it like it's a gambling game--only with that much information, you've got a Three of Clubs.  "Did ya hear?"  and "Boss man's putting his foot down 'bout this." My generation as young people had bumper stickers like: QUESTION EVERYTHING so instead of dramatically, silent movie-style, bending over, butt in the air, and mock sweeping a tiny patch of floor worshipping the ground the proverbial bossman walks on, we'd just go to most in charge and try to get answers.

  "It's a 'directive' to," the power of having the information made me stop short for a split second, "TO?" Someone played along.  "To exercise!"

  "Like we don't do that all day long." And groans.

  The first day some ladies came to the store and waited until all were present and accounted for.  They explained that they'd come up with some very helpful relaxation anti-stress moves which start with stepping away from your desk.  No one said anything.  There were only a couple desks in the whole place and people had spent months in ploys to sit for a minute.  Even wheeling some ancient workers to far sides of departments and bringing a chair from the breakroom for other workers to take a turn.  There we were pretending to get up from our desks and doing shoulder rolls.

  The next day, no ladies.  But one of the lumber guys had worn legwarmers and volunteered to "lead".  Day three and four people busied themselves with morning activity other than pretending desk job break.  Then on the fifth day a person, a Gen X person, came to a central-location department with a boombox.  She hit play, and the music told us, We're going to dance, and have some fun.  So we did.

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