From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Some things we discovered

   had to do with individual life paths merging "into group".

  Some people were like fireflies in the discovery process.  And their lights bounced, flickering, glimmering a different-than-self engagement.  The interstice part of the intensity yet separate too.

  A necessary unifying as citizens of a Country had us at least visting the churning engines and deciding which path best.

  Persons and groups have paces.  Storms can quake and shake, roil, boil and freeze tempers and the proverbial harps.  Us feather gurls in our late teens and twenties were like jibs in the winds and torches on skates in some storms, but also lead foots in impact zones.  The experiences within the frameworks of disciplines and with guidance and counsel were imprinting and that's part of "training".

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