From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

It's not a magic wand

  The kind of "together" is different between American Republicans and what was left of the American Democrat Party.  To some extent in the U.S. we are so us-- determined, purposefully American and anti-being-anything-other-than-American, we haven't put much stock in even learning about other places like Europe.  We also have, though we don't claim/own it, a healthy fear of becoming that (whatever it is we find out about).

  American Literature went through a similar process.  It was uniquely American and then authors were considering Americans in more mixed scene...on a ship, for example.  What was most carefully written about, even more so than romance, was what money and other resources were involved.  Usually "a representative" like a case study sample character was created to fit into the story, make the story work to serve the purpose of the writer....forge a mystery, set a stage, create a space where humans actually talk to each other.

  In drama a play called Rent was one of those works that connected realities...bills need to be paid, we cannot just create dollar bills out of thin air.

  Disaster and a lack of work hours seems to be dictating the money piece currently.  Truth be told out here in the real world for the past couple years the management that has stuck with proprietor and workers have made miracles happen just to keep people working.  Keeping people working has been a frontline to runaway notions of dark and mysterious forces whispering that nobody should work!  The "government" will take care of people "cradle to grave".

  Most of us feel like, What planet is this?

  It is not a magic wand when people in America vote for something different.  And voting to preserve the Republic this time has not been an "easy" choice.  But it has been a decision as President Trump said in his Inauguration speech to confront our challenges.

  Unlike other methods of generating illusion, ignoring issues, and feeding myths of "socialism" to engage with the real people in each "situation" and turn it around is the challenge.  And to do that the new administration has to deem some stuff crisis.  That is not a perpetuation of a vague throw fake money at the lump of flesh not on the hill.

  It's more of a designation of priority.

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