Of late it's turned into grant writing season and planning specifics for stuff like festivals and other seasonal fun. Many years ago now in Tennessee we revitalized unity as a region by pooling talents and skills and choosing a universal theme that would benefit everyone. A lot of us worked in the broad category of tourism.
Even while some businesses were still in seed phase, others were sort of on backburners as potential projects for groups like historic markings, cultural remembrances, non-profit components to community, etc. This was all done in conjunction with State and Federal processes. We were all making progress happen.
There were junctures where other broad categories of our nation like law enforcement, judiciary, labor, food services and tourism wouldn't meld easily or smoothly and we'd all hold place while possible contentions between us Americans were thoughtfully debated and almost pre-worked through so that each pressure point had us all acting more diplomatic than rude. It was a conscious effort.
That conscious effort or value became staple to programming in academic circles and other professional spheres as well. It fit very well with not bulldozing over each others' ways and customs and means! And it was critical to what people began to call networking.
Networking, of course, was addressing the human side of rapidly developing technology.
In our part of the world environmental concerns are just as vital to surviving and thriving as economic interests and that is why I don't see competing agency programs as detrimental. I think of it as our nation layering up on topics such as public lands and forestry. In my opinion this can only help the cause of national security.
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