From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Disaster burnout

  Unfortunately disasters happening can contribute to not feeling good.  And that not feeling good about situation and self can be contagious.  And that, of course, can lend itself to a coloring of mood about everything.  So then we can create an invisible voice in the national "room" that's blaming and paranoid.  That voice that's screaming...over this, tired of this, everybody's screwing everybody, can really spiral us.

  More than being an ugly dictator circumstance, so far, the Republicans are putting forks in the works, and, trying to say we need to look at this and that.  I think of Social Security which was a program created per economic catastrophe in the 1930s.  It's 2025, so yeah, there may be some updating/changes that need to happen.

  I also think of economic troubles in 2008ish.  Retail was having "sales" of 65-75-85% off hard goods.  In retail we were seriously wondering what "fire sale" mode was going to do to consumerism longer-term.  We had to work harder at customer relations to tow a mid-range on costs.  Have some items we could sell really inexpensively but not just "follow the lead" and hurt our business by selling everything "cheap".

  Someone brought up the point the other day that when Hurrhell happened (on top of post-Covid) there was a desperation for workers and employers were paying more in wages, but those hourlies are not sustainable.  We have to be adaptable which is harder when the costs of living are drowning and starving us.

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