Are there similarities? Between a facism of old and some contemporary politics?
Of course there are. In historical time, we are not so far past modern. That's always something "contemporaries" wrestle with. In the progression of humanity even ignoring "political".... not so far even with automation aids and supercomputing. And, even on the thresholds of really different political (peace and warfare) modalities and constructions, we're not so different from the people who've come before us.
There's always escapism and elitism that allow for the feeling of totally not that. But for most of us, there is "daily struggle" in the thicket. It's why faith. And it's why critical thinking.
It's a lot of battling. Not dissimilar to the throngs of humanity in the U.S. Civil War. Bloody day on the battlefield; next day dawns the same; and the next and the next. As technology has become increasingly enabling to everyone the fight has only gotten fiercer. Though people have tried various entity and mindsets to replace God for direction and peace of mind.
Certainly the evils of the world can get stronger and stronger. So why not the good fight? Why not claim some of what has worked (America as a nation) and cut our losses (all that balking at being something)?
We can see ourselves as sea captains--committed to "going down with the ship" if necessary, and find way and anchor in the Country. Forge that. Continue forging that. But we don't have to.
It's just that what does work about the U.S. Constitution; what freedoms and responsibilities we do still have....that's unbeatable.
I'm a penwoman. God-given draw and receive. And though I spend a lot of hours scrounging an existence monetarily by sales, service, and trade, my whole presence requires a lot of reading and writing to "breathe". For me, it would not have been as possible if I wasn't American. Certainly, the challenges would have been different and maybe not surmountable given my disposition. I do not have a secret wellspring of self to endlessly amuse myself with. My identity is quite wrapped up in God and Country. And wrapped up in seems akin to "love".
Even on days that suck, there's just no denying I am in a love relationship with God & Country. Not always thrilled about it, but that's how it is for me.
Part of why I voted for this new administration, another round of Republican is a profound sense of...
A deep realization. Way, way deeply there's, in me, a sense that death, physical death is inevitable. That's acceptance of mortality. But, it would be so much worse to lose our Country. It's hard to phrase. I guess it's like making a choice about heaven OR hell. Oddly, it's not fear-centered. It's what's in patriotism. Certainly what's inside "sacrifice" and dedication...loyalty. And sometimes it's a long-haul, not much apparent progress. We console ourselves with settling on still in existence as progress. You know, how's life? Still here. That's pretty much what a Biden admin's still there, U.S., D.C., the apparatus of ho-hum government. Some spark and dazzle in not re-unifying around freedom and liberty for all, but let individual groups have their day in court. The laws and money were secondary to for the good of all of us. And, of course, jockeying of cause and bickering replaced substance in Old Glory. That last leg of whatever kind of politics that gets named was weak and weakening, and, no match for the challenges of a good part of the world not being friendly to the USA.
Of course, the world has long moved past "friendly" or "mean" into alliances and strategies and capabilities and casualties, but contemporary people have replaced philosophy and ethics (on the whole) with thumbs up and thumbs down.
Growing up, it was devastating to lose a friend, especially over a piece of pizza or a topic like divorce. Some of us fought to the end to not lose friends. Were barely able to comprehend enemy now. And really struggled to go on without relationship, without alliance. With adversary, as alpha, not alpha, pitching wounded and ruined and definitely different into a generic America. The one where there's a street of bars and nightclubs, sex for money, an anonymous limbo, a suburbia of sin where identity doesn't matter because...
The becauses take the shape of symptom and action/reaction and work into that vicious cycle feeling that is not just a feeling, but a reality. Sometimes there's movement to:
Let's look at the myth of us versus actuality.
Oh, the remorse. Oh, the resolve. Meanwhile, there's military action that must happen. Financial-grounding that has to happen. Basics of consumerism and sufficiency. And specialization of task and duty. It's a lot of energy required, especially when...
We have to careful with lament. The edge of despair is close by. It's a thicket, more than delineated. Before there is clearly formed shared enemy, and therefore goal, it's been found to be quite foggy.
Intellectuals on the move after 9112001 uttered words like duplicity. Even as humanity around and through New York became a dressed-in-black, hulking, weight on the balast we're going to war.
Stuff gets unleashed. A virulence.
The World Wars and inter-war years are a time-stamp structure superimposed by post-war survivors.
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