From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Thursday, February 13, 2025


  A lot of things do come down to being a matter of perspective differing from law-proper.  This is why we've seen a flurry of "executive orders" which plunge us headlong into legal "battles".  It's the equivalent of "initiative" without having to start the process in the streets because a president won votes and an administration got put in place.

  In the professional world we talk more about policy though overall law sets the baseline.

  And as professionals we are constantly in an interplay between laws and other factors that sometimes "dictate" and "necessitate"---- stuff like supply chain issues and logistics; tariffs; "best practice" regarding "wellness" and "resources".

  Sales and service people navigate the big picture ocean of being a Capitalist society in addition to brokering/mediating money matters (nuts and bolts).  And management (individual--proprietory, and teams of management) advise and guide based on factors du jour and longer term trends.

  It helps everyone inside and outside of the company in our country when professional-role-players are "people people".  Though as we discovered through the 1990s and early 2000s, there is sometimes a strong Human Resources element, and sometimes none.

  This is where, in a work day, we sometimes overcompensate on the "different generation" speak and stick with routine as some time passes and we all "get on the same page" with policy and practice.  We also work to find good balance in thinking of "work family".  And we often hold our opinions on the salesfloor until we have "meet ups".  Some meet ups are small group and some are bigger meetings.

  Just as in sales, a bad word by a customer "sticks" like 23 times more often than accomplishment, when it comes to employee(s)/employer relations it's very similar.  I think there have been several presidencies too, where the "executives" had to be privately and publicly reminded that even commander-in-chiefs are ALSO citizens.  

  Involvement with any entity has lots of cause and effect.  And everything, every cell that makes up entity and function, has perspective involved AND it has "where the rubber hits the road".

  One big focus this year so far is moving past disaster and all the "trauma"/disruption from pandemic rolling into regional disaster.

  Jesus really brought a different perspective to the same old, same old life that was a caste of routine set up to mask (a lot of) hatred and corruption.  In many examples throughout the Gospels Jesus finds work arounds for the same old stumbling blocks.  He himself had been sent by the Holy Father God as an update/upgrade to the Ten Commandments and Jewish law.  Jesus and his disciples were teaching freedom.  It's a message that has stuck through the ages.  With the Big Ten as a firm foundational guide, Jesus came to tell everyone that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit understands that people are human (not angels, not Old World god characters).  Jesus as God-made-flesh spent all of his days on earth experiencing the human condition and relating with people as people.

  He performed miracles and dashed evil away from loving, trying to be good people, but most of the time he was relating to people to raise the standards of an equality as God's children.  He conveyed understanding of all kinds of despair and challenge, and told people about the hope that is a wellspring available to anyone with even simple love and faith for God.  The update was that a person can ask to be forgiven for any and all sin.  And ultimately he revealed also, perspective on the profundity of his personal mission to turn his killing into service for the world's humans and Our Father--his death was a taking away of the sins of the world.  No person but Jesus could work on such a level as turning his own killing into a holy beyond-sacrament offering.  No one could go back into the past and undo "original sin" but every human might could atone and be granted a fresh start, clean slate.  Through his own prayer relationship with God, Jesus came to a powerful perspective about what he and Christian people endure. And with his death, he proved that God Almighty has ultimate Victory, always and forever, even over the worst this world throws at people.

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