From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

  Yes, we got to this point in the 1990s too.  In fact we often do in America as we go through boom and bust, policy changes, and 'recovery'.

  We go through experiences as locales like disasters and/or being "hotbeds" of political cause and this creates an overall climate (and sometimes a group consciousness).  If the experience is frought with dangers like drugs or other illicit behavior "the landscape" can be challenging to navigate.

  That's when people find it helpful to have a steady at the helm.  When the steady is mostly on the same page about getting well (safety and prosperity) the tone of the big picture holds sway through the particulars of change.  There can be awkward moments.

  Businesses responding to changes in policy have empowered smaller groups of people to develop navigation tools for awkward.  A lot of development was put into human resources precisely because money is rarely the total solution to problem.  And often just throw some money at the problem has created more problems.  If an undisciplined human nature can devolve, a human nature motivated by simply a vague "money" tends to turn climate violent.

  Just like in grammar school individuals have to work on their personal selves in addition to all the choices about group.

  In a lot of the places I've worked there's an ongoing steady even as people discover and hone personal talents and abilities.  It makes sense that a company or corporation has different "departments" or channels of work-focus.  And in retail as brands and management groups took on more and more work "in house" (like advertising and wellness) entities got more diverse within themselves as far as capability.  

  Companies have "forward facing" parts and "internals" just as nations do.  People = talents.  Even with all our different personalities and potentials we have to move along with group.  That's why we're hearing a lot of comments right now about the pace of getting better.  It's in progress.

  I think, more than eradicating diversity or forcing a bunch of diversity into molds of "white men" what we are witnessing at this stage is more like definition of the helm.  Deck ends here, the sign might read.  And if we don't remove previous "license" that was making it possible for "slippery slope" to blur off the edges of the boat of nation, well, all may just get lost or drift out into generic "space".  That's how I'm trying to think of some of this to date.  I feel less offended and disrespected that way.

  Well in the 1990s we had the TV show "Murphy Brown".  It was like a breath of transparency to a world of obscurity created around a Cold War D.C.  The show evoked laughs that were as repressed as too much  personality and lifestyle (feared because of the vacuums of diplomacy and walls against secret-stealing).  We'd had sitcoms to "veg out" to in regards reality being sometimes different than "laugh it off", shake it off, now get through this, but nothing as innovative in approaching every living generation is too old for this shit.  Nothing as funny in calling out, so....

  So there's this stall between pulling somebody off the mainstage for being too....and getting gonged.

  So, there's this way Americans need to out what we're up to without blaring military secrets.

  So....there's some things to "keep under your hat" in certain situation.

  So?  We asked of people "making it" at work and as professionals.  Some people balked at sharing trade secrets....the they should suffer like I did mentality....not the best mentors.  Others carefully staked out boundaries around jobs against job-stealing, and hostile takeovers.  And the absolute best team members spoke from the place where I can speak from on this (because, we can't talk about x,y,z yet).

  Warriors of every race, religion, and gender tentatively put dents in our own Berlin Wall.  America was looking at ourselves.  And we had a heightened "paranoia" tension as the great divide to overcome in sales and research/development and dating.  We did it.  And we were many feeling imprisoned by poverty and bottom dollar.  We replaced the up and down lines of drug/sex trafficking with professional networking.  We agreed to (and didn't) some amount of generic professionalism from which to personalize as groups of professionals.

  In that way we were passing the decade making real progress on what before that had been contentious and polarizing "big words" for our problems.

  Some of it was comical looking back.  It'd be hard to describe the wrangle of nerves and emotion-compartmentalizing we all had going on.  Introducing abject poverty to the dollar bill earned might have broken us as a nation of people who have a lot of love for each other.  But we stuck together as an economic engine.  

  "What good is that gonna do me?"  The one proverbial "white guy" kept asking of potential employees who were only "assets" and "liabilities" in his world.  Not people.  Nobody in the regional pool of labor was as perfect as this guy.  Nobody "good enough" to underpin his livelihood by using their credit and time and energy to "make him manager".  Oh, yes, people talked amongst themselves.  Between us we had like 1056 years of experience, 17,000 hours of "training", and two dollars.  

  The guy had fished and snooped and paid money to find out who in the area might make him manager.  On a fresh business day, early, he was souring the mood behind a hear-thru wall of his "oval office" (that was a stock room) and throwing away a ream of paper printed with resumè.  He piled the remaining "selections" into credit/no credit.  Then he hissed, Find out if any of these are over twelve years old.

  Man, was he surprised when people who "look" twelve years old on financial paper turned out to be nobility, service people, people with "gray hair" from navigating world affairs and business negotiations.  And, long after he was deemed the perfect manager (who nobody chose to work for/with) he was still clueless about true "success". Nasty dictators don't have "fans".  Houses of cards, pyramid schemes, and superficial "leadership" falls apart almost at it's implementation.  People ain't got time for that.

  By then we were into "the show down" between salaried pay to play workers and people with potential investment money and so "access" to everyone's personal data and the 24/7 surveillance of consumers/users of the economy.  A lot of "pairing meetings" to find counterparts in differing companies via common ground of distribution and services began and ended without much said.  Insulation developed between co-workers and rivals.  Making a politically correct "funny" (not a joke or gaffe) was an indication of a general awareness that it was humanity versus the machinery of humanity.

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