From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Thursday, April 18, 2024

 Aerosmith's coming!


  Sometimes it feels like Where is everyone?

  Othertimes, a CLUSTERFUCK, an old-time friend would define IMMINENT.  I'd shush on the swearing loudly, she'd blow out a breath and follow the shush with a fuck off on judging.  All growing up, whether in class-proper or on the loose we'd be "training" for the future; for who we'd be someday.

  I fondly recall high school age Christian retreats.  Safe.  Going beyond Mass, into the field of the world, but with tribe/unit.  We'd encounter--people, place, thing and still be able to quickly locate ourselves amongst fellows even in shifting boundary zones.  For me, a sort of spiritual/physical alignment happens.  Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus, ME.  In the walking beside, sometimes Jesus has us ride piggy back; sometimes we hold hands, or hang on to Holy robes; sometimes we rest and sometimes we run.  When I had occasion to study how someone like Sheila Walsh did journalism, I knew that, or it seemed to me, that was how she was doing the journalism, aligned.

  That's the same way Michelle Martin moderates discussions for broadcast on the radio.  And the way Christian Amanpour delegates and takes the lead on international culling for topics that are at once highly concentrated and have shallow narrows where ruckus really has an impact in disturbing "talks".

  In a media landscape really democratic in some parts of the world and non-existent in others, the overarching metaphor/image that comes to mind for me was on a National Geographic DVD I saw, about Planet Earth, and involved hippo-pat-emus, scarred backs, submarining through marshy foodgrounds.

  Looks like Edward Gorey's doubtful guest, on the move or looking for an urn.

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