From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Saturday, April 20, 2024

   One of the biggest and best reasons to keep news news has to do with the power of factual material.

  That's a keynote and a running key, really in all of our lives since our nation upholds freedom of the press.

  There are very good and sound reasons, for example, to keep a Hamill (sp?) tone: NEWS IS A VERB

  Part of what that means is that, words can describe action; action has "tense"...whether something happened already or is speculated to be happening soon or is happening is as important as...I want to say, the crucifixion of Christ.  Let me explain.

  During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Jesus Christ as human went step-by-step through moments of trial.  Sentenced to death in a mob rule affirmation to a world leader, each moment of his life left on earth was moment-to-moment.  And what God let unfold didn't have brakes, or reversals of fortune for the gossip about what was happening, or for the washing of the hands of this-- the machinery was in motion, in tense: present.

  Throughout history since that old serpent changed the status of humans from paradise-living to hard scrabble, there have been innumerable instances of ugly, unfolding.  Information systems which telegram STOP, and inform readers/other professionals/still others not only describe action, "they" are part of the action.  This gives a country that has other infrastructure, safety measures, and checks/balances on "official" the chance to stem entropy and chaos!

Nobody prevented it.

  The Russian state news channel was depicting some people as grassroots activists, fascist fighters, defenders of freedom; there was little coverage of Russian soldiers because, Miller cooled "too hot to print" with time and a fleshed-in depiction of situation in the book The War Came To Us (2023), "Because, officially, they weren't there" (158).

  People were angry.  Tony Blair sort of pursed his lips together and the analysts watching with camera and crew didn't speak loudly that his "gesture" could have meant, this is what we should, could, might DO.  The actual violence that had been steeping since tribal viking days and parish pastoral, gone citified, and still springing up in religious terms was not just sore subject; so Statespeople couldn't just slap a bandaid with a peace sign on it into festering wound.  Blair had the sort of manners in the situation that people attributed to Tsar Nicholas.  Both Statesmen also professed a humility in self's absolute-ability to control over-all in times of multi-faceted turbulence.

  In our country we've gotten through a lot of turbulence measure by measure, step by step.  

  I'm older than young, but in good spirits.  One of the most enjoyable things about being such is being able to compare turbulence(s), and to have experienced the changes that prevented violence.  In the scary, dark economic times of the 1970's, for instance, Daddy's face'd get pitch white sometimes at what group was doing just up ahead.

  One time all the union/no union highway work came to gnarly.  And even though transportation people assured that THE COUNTRY OWNS the highway, I guess one failure after another in "talks" led some to kinda take cover in group.  Well, between the on-purpose potholes, and the undone signage, and the debris left all over the place, we'd barely made it through a life-and-death obstacle course.  Mama blew the breaths out like the journey was the labor.  And just before we could actually get to Cape Cod, truckers were "bending knee" (wheeling side to side like skiers to warm up being able to maneuver, and check for parts tight) on ramps, some were getting far right to impede harmlessly the speeders, others were steadfasts in convoys--not stopping, so...

  A brother wanted to see somebody smash thru.  Just be quiet, mama cautioned.  The rumormill had lofted the potential for dumpers blocking, and the hot winds also rose tensions to past--let's have a cold one and see what we can come up with--pretty much right into shin kicking and fist fighting; and that was the glossy magazine version of how at each others's throats people really were.

  Turned out on that spit of road before we got to flip a bicentennial quarter for smashing through, State Troopers and Forest Rangers made way through us people creeping towards our coupon-vacation, well, by the time, a few hours later, we got to a hot spot, we went through a receiving line of dump trucks and pavement rollers and gloppy tar trailers!  I felt like a Kennedy kid at a ceremony.  They stopped the commotion.  We saluted to them just the same we would've to an astronaut or colonel.

  Dad pulled up to a circle traffic cop all weak from hunger and not using a restroom and stress, and asked, Where's the rock and the boat?

  To hear tell, Blair was angry too.  That's usually a catchall word for any and all emotion.  He did not prefer to not be candid with people asking him questions, but negotiations had to go step-for-step with neighborhood activity.

  But why they call that peace-prevailed agreement, I think, had more to do with...hard to that time the U.S. was getting into what seemed a necessary war mode in regards events that had been happening in the Middle East.  Any talk of "peace" is a three-legged stool in such times.  Decisions have to be made.  That particular agreement was a shimmering salmon swimming upstream to advance, or not.

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So there we were wrestling....

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