Was a carefully adopted ratio in WWII. With the U.S. needing to "occupy" countries that had been taken in order to gain "joiners" to the Allies, the armed forces were in constant flux in terms of teaming up with counterparts and compatriots.
Foreign-to-each other allies formalized strategy and planned for giving control to the military in actual fighting matters. In 1922 and 1930 London and Washington organized certain ideas, people, and equipment with eyes towards "security" (speaking broadly before needing to sculpt detail per developments) for less than Great Powers. The strategists looked at many factors to come up with baseline proportions of ballast to wider war.
By 1939 thinkers and editors were tasked with popularizing the big picture with enough general information so that a scattered nation of individuals could still have unity. The Time-Life-Fortune group was pressed to research and bring up-to-date information to families, professionals, and the generation coming of the age when they were making plans for their lives. At that point in the big picture it was less choice about participating in international affairs than it was mounting definitive response to hot poker events of ongoing conflict of interest.
Nations make decisions like people. The choices that nations made during the heated conflicts and in the interwar periods were no less consequential than what people are doing in the 21st century. We've tended to read the epics and honor people who were involved in small ways, ceremony and statue. That disguises that the big wars, world wars, were many, many days of bleak and challenge for every man, woman, and child. And much of the trial of wartime isn't always billboarded as WW.
1990, '91, '92, etc.
All through that time period terrorist groups were active--locally and combining selves with organized crime. But partly because of money and a hierarchy of media, actual news got Max Hedrom'd. It added to the division amongst citizens all involved. And, it was luxury to see national defense and overseas conflict as a choice. We also had Greatest Generation counseled and groomed take-the-leads to hold the line in the tug of war. And we did not have places like Iran hot pokering with active firepower.
Sometimes we wonder if they had tornados before social media was there to see it. For most people in America, we've lived with surviving in some way, and a world at warring is like that...individual decisions about survival and what to "support" with time, energy, ability, money.
Just hang in there. This is six months of refining who we actually are as a nation.
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