From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Sunday, September 15, 2024

   I am an ally but I don't agree with you.

  No one slammed anything.  But file folders were placed on a desk so polished not much could stick.  The desk was so opposite the cement picnic table where we'd amassed legitimate claims.  We'd done it like cooking a feast.  We boiled down gripes into blanched bitching and moaning, then split those open like a fish -- GUT IT someone would demand.  Now wait a minute Mary Lou, called everybody Mary Lou.

  We were the masses of America but we were also Mary Lou.  No one person actually gave up facts, more like shades and colors of truth.  And that truth wasn't adding up to paying the bills or the debt.  Almost everyone was making the same amount of money at the end of the day.  And none of it was like margarine or oil, spreadable.

  Some people teamed up.  Just getting kids to school and getting adults to work took a whole team.  Others shared days and nights as shift-workers.  Temp agencies were able to send workers out in every direction.  And the fur flying in the form of rhetoric and insult, wild pitches and selfishness got kind of caught in the revolving doors of workforce and a more professional USA.

  Other managers besides ours were gaining wins and winning "bests".  In sales and in leadership rubrics a new group of managers was replacing old school.  It was and wasn't "political" because many argued that politics is not really divisible from work and life.  To say that was not something that was commonly acknowledged or addressed.  To have managers playing a strong role in scripting function and success wasn't old school either.  A couple of men, one white, one non-white, pushed the envelope at every turn.  Moments of drama partially covered at a lack for words.  At one point they gave each other THANK YOU notes and when one teared up, the other pointed out feeling something, not a machine!  An uber-corporate-even, outside consultant, told them to look inside the envelopes...unfolded, the envelopes revealed prizes like more labor hours and rewards to prop up "house" and "staff"... bequeathed, worthy helmsmen.

  We had to keep going.  Even as the we proved to be more and more individualized personally and political party-wise.  That was bringing us 'round to founders' meaning of so much.

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