From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Saturday, September 14, 2024

"I see black people everywhere"

   Well, it was kind of worse when it was white women.

  All that femaleT

  Remember when Linda MacMahon stepped in as boss?

  Is that what made corps send them undercover after that?

  Not sure because there was an info-explosion.  I wasn't sure what was "taking over".  Most people were like, ayup, been here all along.

  "The Mississippi receives and carries to the Gulf water from fifty-four subordinate rivers that are navigable by steamboats, and from some hundreds that are navigable by flats and keels." --Mark Twain, Life On the Mississippi

  In a book about an incredible weather event in the form of flood, I think called Rising Tide (?) the blame goes on place, kind of.  The people whiddle the big arguments down to cement burms (sp?) on the river's curves.  There's some of that going on with "racism/reverse racism".

  It was us working from totally stiff into guarded don't look at me's into witnessing then being a part of-- dancing--who braved an America covered in graffiti and all kinds of language and currency.  We even bumped into walls to cover up unsmooth moves.

  This upcoming election is and it isn't about dancing.

  Saturday, sorry.  Kind of on standby for working so no mountains today.😢but at a beautious park.

 Well, professionally those first get-togethers were like those freshman dances.  A mix of party, age, race, religion, sexuality, likes/dislikes, status.  At one point somebody conveyed over the token, jokes

  To get-together as professionals was networking and fooding.  And there were fumbles to be sure.  Sometimes we went with bring your own, other times just water.  Sometimes it happened spontaneously/planned.

  My milkshake making co-worker wore a tee-shirt that said: Movers and Shakers, so he could let people know about his current business interests.  Some people were sit alones.

  We hoisted an umbrella over some jobs-potentially people and a black woman at a nearby table asked, What about us?  We get sunburned too.

  YOU DO?????  Could've been too awkward to recover from like just about any talking going on as if under a microscope and in a megaphone at the same time.  Silence.  Then somebody else said, Of course you do, we're she was going to cry all just



  Do you really?  I know I do, burn up like a hot potato.

  Under God's sun.  She pulled herself together.

  Yes really.

  Introduce people by name and let all that just happen was the advice of the milkshake machine.

  I was more used to being in a scouting party.  Scout a place...see if it's okay for artsy types...try and pre-gauge what could go wrong of the white know...acted up.  It's nearly impossible to know what's going to set someone off before it happens.  And often people who are comfortable with themselves as they are just shy from meeting others.  If their particular kind of beliefs don't get support, so be it.  And if their numbers dwindle, fine by me.  But it was becoming obvious that funds for not working were going to be going differently and were rapidly changing along with a lot of real life.

  The potential-jobs people weren't working for anyone, just helping, or trying to.  To the question: Are you employable? More than one person answered, I don't know. That was shocking to people being crazed on the ladders of employment.  But not surprising at all to social workers.

  People rooting for people would suggest answers and jobs to do while waiting.  Moving trucks and mechanics were more male suggestions and countered some of the feeling not so macho.  But people didn't boo the few girls who wanted to learn those trades and occupations.  And a lot of people buffet'd at networking get-togethers...more chances, more money, more hope.

  We also got a lot of wisdom and wise quips.  Like the comedians of the day, hosts/hostesses were fielding a wild array of speaking out.  Heckler?  Or somebody trying to steal the stage?  Since all this job fitting was being performed, there was a push and pull in holding ground.  We're here to:

  This isn't the place for that, some locals not overly concerned with being labor themselves were good about keeping the six packs off the places where the networking was happening.  They were proud of people for trying.  That wasn't condescending.

  I was beginning to understand how cities function on people no matter what happens with politics and money.  It wasn't luck that was keeping us all safe, it was us.

  And of course....

  Getting healthy and surviving made some tensions worse!

  Oooooo people were mad and hurt.

  Some people were upset because they got left on their own in misery.  Some because no matter how healthy tried to accommodate co-existing things was different.  Some people took it as blame and shame.  Like my achievement (didn't drink for five days) and success (made it to work on time) was a judgment on them.  In some ways we were having to support each other right out loud...YOU can do it!  Ignore them, all them all, and FLY! And then we got accused of having friends, being political, buncha

  Buncha buncha, the tensions started to crystalize into opposition.

  And the opposition started to magnetize similar to itself.  I'm in the same boat, meant I feel ya.  Somebody'd knock off the warm end of a forty ounce just to stand next to "friends" and glare at people going to school or work or church.  Doing the right thing for self, for family people were getting shit on.  And even though already-strong people said stuff like don't listen to them, buncha bullies, and you gotta do you, the tensions around that and the oppositions forming took on heft and their own muscles.

  Some dogs look really cute, but they will maul you no questions asked.  You can wait all day for someone or something to change that fact, save you, be the in-between, but they will maul you no questions asked.  It's why so many, many people refuse, even on the pain of death, to give up God.  Only God can do it.  And since old, old days that has been part of the fatalism formula (which has always been dualistic: good v evil; this OR that; right AND wrong).  The fatalism without specific description still existed.  Something root cause, fundamental.  In our times it gets specific description like race, religion, creed, political etc.  

  These ways of being reinforce themselves and come into relationship with other ways of being.  That is so for bad ways, good ways, and dubious ways.  And why in times of chaos and persecution people will shed outward specific description and "wear black" or blend into whatever crowd is happening.  We do it with work day, home work on point to make money, at home cozy.

  The dangers to people aligning God and flag sometimes gets crushing.  That was why there was this woman who never needed much besides my old flag and a footrub.  Both of which she took care of herself when it was time to rest.

When you see the photograph

   A riot

                    burned down.

   Stilled time.  Awash 'til drowned.

        No people, just ash and shit.

 A scar where once the flag had flown.

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  Wet tee shirts and mud.  Utter emotional chaos.  In the working world there was resistance to change, resistance to youths and ex-cons get...