From the Pacific came 1000's of separate broadcasts in the critical development of the massive conflict, WWII

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

If that happened, it's not okay


From inside bathroom...

  Pretend I live under a rock

  I did, I had a friend who was musical and caught in a maelstrom of everyone becoming an educator.  When she said something similar, the whole music building could be heard all the way to the harbor.

  It's a big topic.  It may have been framed initially as an argument in the war of wills.  One of those, fine....

  Fine, learn it yourself

  Fine, you know everything about evrrything

  Fine, my teaching style sucks

  Fine, I can't MAKE you learn anything which went right along with I can't change you!

  It was part people compartmentalizing, part outreach, part we've all got the same tools--including the Constitution, part necessity to sell.  I saw a lot of matching up between academia and business as it caught on.  And sometimes it's a very profound way of considering self and others.

  It also brought many people to decision.  It's one thing to get a pamphlet about something....

  I can't, that is decision.  And doing that process as learning or choosing not to learn more re-connects people with core selves.  It also goes the other way, some people want to know more about something, even represent.

  Level of commitment really gets questioned and answered in drive thrus and in online ordering and by non-profits and in schooling and in nation-tending.

  When nobody's talking to each other, this type of thinking helps re-formalize.  Instead of wondering if I am a racist (which is a hard query), I can consider....What if I have to work with a diversity of people?

  It allows people to express interest instead of an automatic "marriage".

 When we thought about it as academics, it fit with what was still working...building up knowledge. Survey before seminar.

 As involved in economy...

  And people do.  We keep making decisions.  Another reason to protect elections.

  There have been times in our country where we are in transition and it's not only about which party will "take over".  Back in the 90's we were transitioning to using new tools.  And a lot of us were also devoted to moving past existential crisis through development of self and cause.  In the thick of it there was threat to nation!

  The threat was internal and external and it was dynamic.  We came to terms with that each in our own ways.  For the survival of country we put a lot of stuff into fewer and fewer buckets.  Even religion got put in the culture bucket, but it was down to two buckets...culture and defense.

  Everything is censored!

  Everything is weaponized!

  It went along with facts straight before "publication" and "court".  It had to be because....

  A president can't just say he/she represents a nation, or will.

  A war isn't just defense, it's also offense.

  Not all wars....

     Come out of the blue?

     Knock on the door?

  We were on our way there.

  There there?  Voices cracked and stumbled everytime.

  It wasn't as much about not saying, writing, thinking, being anything as it was taking a stand.  We'd never agree, fundamentally.  And we proved, not willing/able to not jeopardize the other.  In fact, with political parties warring each other it had become a script hard to get rid of.  Some of us wondered if there was a way to heal what was civil war.  As young people taking on family and careers, any activism would have to be in addition to what individuals do when taking the oath to defend what nation still existed.

  We did like re-training putting God and Country above self interest.  And we put brakes on turning everything inside-out.  We had to realign meaning.  And in areas of defense and culture we realized how far from founders we were getting.

  Foreign wars (which we were complicit in) prompted have to be strict about even if we weren't flying into impact areas and hot zones at the moment.  And between our honest desires to let more people be American and share knowledges and wisdom so the world could feel good, bright future and wrangling square pegs into round holes we found precious strength.  Forging.  Filtering, channeling, censoring selves (or "saving that thought", building bodies of work) we managed to be unified enough for an essentially short amount of transition time.

  It was shocking at every turn, such a labyrinth we'd created.

  Some faith-support needed to be in a place of talking to the persecuted, and not all of it was up to the task, nor willing.

  Some military people found themselves with what had been basics as news...Service to Country had always been aligned with a nation under God.  Just a business?  From justification to bear and use arms to working for other businesses in the field, the devil was in the details.

  If the Bible is not a weapon, but it's not bedrock either...or if it's missing from the equasion of humans/law....

  If things don't mean what they've a football a missile, a woman a fruit, is one person going to redefine and attach the new meanings?  The questions had to be put in list formats, computers were not as widespread as phones and anyway, hacking and information manipulation started as soon as digital was invented and, and

  A lot of parents consciously would not let go of their "kids" because it was beguiling.  And nearly impossible to discuss, like being in a foreign country and trying to get the "truth" out.  A lot of adults kept focused in the extreme--make the money to hold on to what we've got.

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